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Use our scripted questions along with an Open Record Form to guide you in researching possible  water and sewage related issues, before you purchase your first property.

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An E-Booklet On Property assesment

Many people make major real estate investments without thoroughly researching the property and its history. With this booklet our main goal is:

To help new home or property buyers save some time and money, by asking the right questions. And provide some less common information that you need to know before making a decision.


Less Rookie Mistakes

Buy this booklet…not a book. Learn to become successful in buying your first real estate property of your choice with:

(1) Open Record Form &

(2) our scripted questions in any city in the United States of America.

You can call Metro Call, your utilities companies, city’s inspectors, or property valuation administrators to get an Open Record Form in that city.

Our experience is based on 28 years of working with the Federal Government.

Sherri Sutton


Broker Pricing Offer (BPO)

An estimate of the home value provided by an expert (agent or broker) opinion to sell the property quickly.

Historical Prevention Overlay (HPO)

Due to historical significance, you need permission from the city to make changes to the building…. Sometimes at a cost. In some cases you cannot make any changes to the appearance of the building.

Incorporated Cities

Smaller cities within a larger county. People have to pay the smaller city base taxes, as well as the large county base tax services.

More Tidbits

Get your copy complete of this booklet “How To Use An Open Record Form To Your Advantage”,  to see the complete list of Tidbits and tips, & information to assist you in your realestate journey.

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